Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tiny talk - episode one: frenemies
I was thinking the other day that I might start a little daily series on my blog to essentially keep me sane (although that was meant to be the entire purpose of this blog in the first place...). I am hoping that this follows in the lines of Chummy Chatter by Zoella and Sprinkleofglitter where they just talk about things on their mind, or important issues.
This is only going to be a small post I think - just a little something that's current in my life that I think might be interesting to you guys. But I will try and write these daily, each with a different theme. I will also be corresponding with Little Boots with our posts, starting tomorrow, so that you get two lots of advice and opinions - you lucky bunch!
So today's issue is frenemies. If you don't know what a frenemy is, it's basically one of those people who you could class as an acquaintance or someone surrounding your friendship group who you just don't get along with, or who bothers you in some way.
I think this tends to affect people more in their teenage years when they are still at school, or when they're trying to make new friends at a new job, or a new environment.
This is something I found particularly difficult to deal with in secondary school. I shan't go in to details on this, but it was all about finding out who my real friends were, and overcoming the fact I knew I would lose friends because of one person. It actually ended with me moving schools to start sixth form somewhere else because I didn't want to stay in an environment with those people anymore. Luckily this worked out really well for me, and I made a few life-long friends at this different place.
I think it is always difficult, especially as a female, to ever trust people when it comes to friendships. There is always bitchiness and back-stabbing in most girl groups - it is just something you have to expect I think. But always remember that you will come out the other side a much better person having been through that experience. It won't seem like it at the time, and it sounds extremely cliche, but it does get better. You have to think about yourself in situations like this; if you aren't happy in a friendship group because of one, or even several members of it, then remove yourself. It will be difficult, and you probably won't like the abnormal feeling for a while, but it's worth it. Don't let a few people in your life bring you down. Especially don't let it affect your school work or anything like that, because you only get one shot at it.
Don't go down the same dark hole I did and get completely caught up in the situation because you will make yourself ill. It's difficult to get back on track once you're that deep in, so please learn from my mistake and remove yourself and deal with the situation right away. You deserve happiness, and if that means losing a few people then you have to do it. More people will come along - you have a lifetime to secure friendships. I always thought I would be close friends with people from my school years, but in reality I now speak to only one of them on a regular basis, but a few more from when I removed myself from the first situation.
So today's moral is: don't be put off or think too much if you don't get along with someone. You are your number one priority!
If you would like to suggest a new subject for Tiny Talk, or something you want advice on, then click one of my media buttons to the right and I will get back to you!
Tune back in tomorrow for more Tiny Talk!
agony aunt
tiny talk
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Amsterdam diary
It has been an extremely long time since I have blogged hasn't it? Well I have been one very busy bee! I had 5 essays due in at uni, and then I disappeared off to Amsterdam for the weekend. So...I am going to tell you all about it and fill you in on my little adventure.
WARNING: may contain some explicit images
The weekend started off slightly less excitingly than the rest of the time we were there. We left Plymouth for a grueling 6 odd hour drive down to Dover to catch the ferry to Calais, France. Naturally, the best way to keep ourselves occupied was to watch a few films and chat about life. It took me a good half an hour to form a hammock using a scarf and the handles on our seats to rest my iPod in to watch the film on....then after I had gone to all that effort, the reps actually put a film on the TV. Time wasted.
After a while we finally got to Calais. At this point it is 2am and all we want to do is sleep. But we decided to go out on the deck of the ship and pretend we were on the Titanic. Standard. Our boat looked like this:
Typically, we headed straight on over the the Sexmuseum - had to be done as soon as we saw that it existed! Safe to say it was one of the funniest experiences of my life! It was just all innuendos and dicks EVERYWHERE. You definitely have to go if you're ever around that area.
We then headed over to the main square for a little look around to see what was about. I can't quite remember what this lovely building is to the left, but it looks pretty so I took a picture. There was all sorts in the square including Madame Tussaud's, and a shit ton of bars (which we went to on night number 2 on a bar crawl!).
We also stumbled across this gorgeous hot chocolate shop which had the most amazing hot chocolate you have ever seen in your entire life (as you can see by the picture). We went back a few times over the entire weekend. It wasn't to badly priced either really, about €3 which is pretty cheap for Amsterdam.
It was about that time of day where we thought it would be a great idea to be serious tourists and get one of those boat cruise things down throughout the entire city so that we could see everything without having to move much. It was quite good, actually. Saw loads of sites, including this building here which looks like something out of a movie. If I remember rightly it is some form of educational center about boats and shit.
Here is a casual horse drawn carriage for you.
WARNING: may contain some explicit images
The weekend started off slightly less excitingly than the rest of the time we were there. We left Plymouth for a grueling 6 odd hour drive down to Dover to catch the ferry to Calais, France. Naturally, the best way to keep ourselves occupied was to watch a few films and chat about life. It took me a good half an hour to form a hammock using a scarf and the handles on our seats to rest my iPod in to watch the film on....then after I had gone to all that effort, the reps actually put a film on the TV. Time wasted.
After a while we finally got to Calais. At this point it is 2am and all we want to do is sleep. But we decided to go out on the deck of the ship and pretend we were on the Titanic. Standard. Our boat looked like this:
We finally got in to Amsterdam at around 9.30am - major relief! Took bloody long enough. We dumped our bags and went straight out to do some exploring.
I have to say, it is such a pretty place. It's full of canals, and everything is really tall. However, I have to say one thing: DEATH BY BIKES. Apparently there are more bikes in Amsterdam than people.....mental.
We then headed over to the main square for a little look around to see what was about. I can't quite remember what this lovely building is to the left, but it looks pretty so I took a picture. There was all sorts in the square including Madame Tussaud's, and a shit ton of bars (which we went to on night number 2 on a bar crawl!).
We also stumbled across this gorgeous hot chocolate shop which had the most amazing hot chocolate you have ever seen in your entire life (as you can see by the picture). We went back a few times over the entire weekend. It wasn't to badly priced either really, about €3 which is pretty cheap for Amsterdam.
It was about that time of day where we thought it would be a great idea to be serious tourists and get one of those boat cruise things down throughout the entire city so that we could see everything without having to move much. It was quite good, actually. Saw loads of sites, including this building here which looks like something out of a movie. If I remember rightly it is some form of educational center about boats and shit.
Didn't get a chance to go in the Heineken brewery thing, but we are heading back in the summer for even longer so this is a definite must-do for us. I actually drank a hell of a lot of Heineken when we were out there. It is one of the cheaper drinks - a pint costs around €3-4 whilst a single vodka is around €7 so you can see why I drank that now!
We treated ourselves that night to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe which was so lush. It did cost me about €20 which was madness (could have been spent on shots) but thought why not? Ended up having a beautiful cheeseburger which was huge and could have easily been two meals, but I am a fatty and ate the lot.
That night we went out in town (just outside the Red Light District) and got a teeny bit drunk (quite drunk). Vikki and I ended up getting lost on the way home and bumped in to two girls who were on our trip who we are actually now really good friends with and planning on going back to Amsterdam with them in the summer - woo getting lost!
The next day we decided to book tickets to go to the Xtra Cold Ice Bar, which is apparently the coldest in the world at -10 degrees. I have been dying to go to the one in London, so was so happy when everyone agreed to go to this one. We paid around €15 because we booked it with the boat trip we did. You get two free drinks per person when you get inside the ice bar which is awesome. I think there was the choice between Sourz shots, non-alcoholic juice, or Heineken - naturally Heineken was the answer. It's really awesome because everything is made out of ice. The seats were ice, and the glasses we drank out of were made of pure ice - was good because it meant the drinks were permanently cold. Unfortunately you aren't allowed to take pictures in there so the only two I have are the two below - sorry!
That night we went on a massive bar crawl organised by the reps. It was beyond mental - apparently we went to 6 bars (I don't remember all of them). We got a free drink in each bar, and were constantly being supplied with shots. So it is safe to say we got a teeny bit drunk. Shockingly, we didn't get lost that night and safely made it back to the hotel to await the morning hangover and the 16 hour journey home.
As predicted we were all very hungover the next day, and dreaded the journey home. It was made better by the fact that we spent most of it chatting away and singing songs from Pitch Perfect. We also stopped by a Belgian chocolate factory which made everything just that little bit better. It was really choppy on the ferry back, but the sun was setting and I managed to take this gorgeous picture of the sea and the sun (I am very proud of it, shhh).
So without all the embarrassing stories and cringey drunk pictures, that was my weekend away in Amsterdam!
I know this is a really short (ish) post, and I promise I will get back to my normal posting schedule in the next few days.
I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did please do subscribe - it would be awesome. All my social media links are on the right so get following!
As always, thank you for reading and I will see you all again next time!
Please drink responsibly.
amsterdam nightlife
hard rock cafe
night out
things to do in amsterdam
xtra cold ice bar
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
2014 plans
A lot of people enter every new year with these so called "resolutions" in order to improve themselves or an aspect of their lives. I think these are rubbish because no one ever keeps to them and most people have usually broken them by like January 5th, so I don't bother. Instead I make some sort of plan. Now I know you are probably thinking that it's the same as a resolution, but that is where you are wrong! A resolution implies that it is something to be continued throughout the year, whereas a plan is something that is an ongoing thing and I don't feel under any pressure to do it in just the one year.
So in true form I thought that there could be no better people than to share my plans with than my lovely readers. If you manage to read through this completely and not either think I am an idiot, or decide to unsubscribe then you get a bunny rabbit wearing a top hat as a reward.
The first sort of plan is that I want to do more things for me. The last year and a bit were all about me making decisions based upon someone else who quite clearly did not reciprocate - although at the time it seemed as if they did. Looking back on the last god knows how long, I was unhappy, unstable and not myself. That's a big thing for me I think, I have and always will be true to myself, but I let one person manipulate and control how I felt and what I did and that is not how I want to live my life. I am a very independent person: I will not ask for help, I will almost never take advice, and I am as stubborn as they come, but that is me and I very much doubt I will change. So from now on it's going to be a matter of doing what makes me happy, not what makes someone else happy.
On a relatively similar note I want to be a lot more comfortable in my own skin. As a female I find myself at a constant struggle with the attention on appearance. As a twenty-something year old I also find this something that I have to deal with on a daily basis. I have said numerous times in different posts about not letting other people's ideals influence how you feel about yourself, so now I am actually going to start taking that advice. I want to be more comfortable with my body - I am never going to be a six foot size bloody 0 model. I am a normal, curvy woman with fucking ass and boobs, so who should go around telling me that because I am chubby I shouldn't be happy? Well boo-fucking-hoo to whoever makes up those rules, please go shove them where the sun doesn't shine thank you very much.
The last personal note I will include on this one, and I shan't go in to much detail because my private life will remain private. But for once I don't want to fuck something up, or be the cause of pushing someone away as that seems to be a common denominator in the last 5 years. I can honestly say that right now I am the happiest I have been in a good 6 or 7 years now, and I want the reason for that to be there for as long as they want to stay there. So that will probably mean the likes of my blog will take a bit of a back seat because it does take over my life quite a lot, and I shouldn't let it. But yes, I digress, I am a happy bunny at the moment, and I look forward to seeing what the future brings to this little part of my life.
Anyway moving on from that completely, we turn to my blog. As you can probably see I have had a few overhauls in the last month or so. I have changed my design a fair amount and I do quite like the way Lovelychubly looks now. I think it looks a lot more professional than the overcrowded mess it was a while back. So I think there are a few developments that I want to make on here.
First of all I actually want to crack on with How It Should Have Ended because I have been saying that I am going to be writing it from day one and I have been so busy with work and university that I just haven't found the time to sit down and properly plan everything. But I have changed the direction that I am going to go with it - an update shall follow soon. Hopefully I will have it completely fully written within the next 7 months and it will hopefully be published not long after that! Don't frown and think that it's a long takes a lot of time and effort to sit down and write a novel so keep your eyes peeled for little snippets here there and everywhere. Also if any of you are still interested in illustrating it then get hold of me by clicking any of my social media links on the sidebar.
I also have another little series tucked up my sleeve. As you know I study criminology at university, which is completely unrelated to writing. So I thought why don't I combine the two and start a little chapter-by-chapter thing on my blog which, when completed, will essentially be a book? So that is what I am going to do. I will be looking at writing some sort of detective style crime novel, but specifics and whatnot are quite fuzzy at the moment so keep your eyes peeled there, too!
I think that is everything mainly to be honest. There are obviously little lifestyle habits I want to kick but they are completely boring and utter nonsense for you guys so I saved you some time there.
I just want to take a quick moment to say a little something to you all:
I originally started Lovelychubly just as a place to vent my thoughts and to have a little rant; never did I expect that it would take off to the level that it is now. I have gone from a crappy little blog to a full on website in the space of 6 months, and I have been offered so many different opportunities because of my writing becoming so popular. For this I have you all to thank. My posts could never have got to where they are without the audience who read them, so thank you very much to all of you! If I could hug all 12, 000 of you I would! I hope that you do keep coming back to see what Lovelychubly has in store for you, and I promise I will get back to my regular posts soon enough. Hope you had a lovely new year and didn't get too drunk, you messy lot!
As always thank you for reading. All my social media links are over in the sidebar, and do feel free to share and comment and all those annoying little things I ask you to do all the time.
Goodnight, lovelies.
So in true form I thought that there could be no better people than to share my plans with than my lovely readers. If you manage to read through this completely and not either think I am an idiot, or decide to unsubscribe then you get a bunny rabbit wearing a top hat as a reward.
The first sort of plan is that I want to do more things for me. The last year and a bit were all about me making decisions based upon someone else who quite clearly did not reciprocate - although at the time it seemed as if they did. Looking back on the last god knows how long, I was unhappy, unstable and not myself. That's a big thing for me I think, I have and always will be true to myself, but I let one person manipulate and control how I felt and what I did and that is not how I want to live my life. I am a very independent person: I will not ask for help, I will almost never take advice, and I am as stubborn as they come, but that is me and I very much doubt I will change. So from now on it's going to be a matter of doing what makes me happy, not what makes someone else happy.
On a relatively similar note I want to be a lot more comfortable in my own skin. As a female I find myself at a constant struggle with the attention on appearance. As a twenty-something year old I also find this something that I have to deal with on a daily basis. I have said numerous times in different posts about not letting other people's ideals influence how you feel about yourself, so now I am actually going to start taking that advice. I want to be more comfortable with my body - I am never going to be a six foot size bloody 0 model. I am a normal, curvy woman with fucking ass and boobs, so who should go around telling me that because I am chubby I shouldn't be happy? Well boo-fucking-hoo to whoever makes up those rules, please go shove them where the sun doesn't shine thank you very much.
The last personal note I will include on this one, and I shan't go in to much detail because my private life will remain private. But for once I don't want to fuck something up, or be the cause of pushing someone away as that seems to be a common denominator in the last 5 years. I can honestly say that right now I am the happiest I have been in a good 6 or 7 years now, and I want the reason for that to be there for as long as they want to stay there. So that will probably mean the likes of my blog will take a bit of a back seat because it does take over my life quite a lot, and I shouldn't let it. But yes, I digress, I am a happy bunny at the moment, and I look forward to seeing what the future brings to this little part of my life.
Anyway moving on from that completely, we turn to my blog. As you can probably see I have had a few overhauls in the last month or so. I have changed my design a fair amount and I do quite like the way Lovelychubly looks now. I think it looks a lot more professional than the overcrowded mess it was a while back. So I think there are a few developments that I want to make on here.
First of all I actually want to crack on with How It Should Have Ended because I have been saying that I am going to be writing it from day one and I have been so busy with work and university that I just haven't found the time to sit down and properly plan everything. But I have changed the direction that I am going to go with it - an update shall follow soon. Hopefully I will have it completely fully written within the next 7 months and it will hopefully be published not long after that! Don't frown and think that it's a long takes a lot of time and effort to sit down and write a novel so keep your eyes peeled for little snippets here there and everywhere. Also if any of you are still interested in illustrating it then get hold of me by clicking any of my social media links on the sidebar.
I also have another little series tucked up my sleeve. As you know I study criminology at university, which is completely unrelated to writing. So I thought why don't I combine the two and start a little chapter-by-chapter thing on my blog which, when completed, will essentially be a book? So that is what I am going to do. I will be looking at writing some sort of detective style crime novel, but specifics and whatnot are quite fuzzy at the moment so keep your eyes peeled there, too!
I think that is everything mainly to be honest. There are obviously little lifestyle habits I want to kick but they are completely boring and utter nonsense for you guys so I saved you some time there.
I just want to take a quick moment to say a little something to you all:
I originally started Lovelychubly just as a place to vent my thoughts and to have a little rant; never did I expect that it would take off to the level that it is now. I have gone from a crappy little blog to a full on website in the space of 6 months, and I have been offered so many different opportunities because of my writing becoming so popular. For this I have you all to thank. My posts could never have got to where they are without the audience who read them, so thank you very much to all of you! If I could hug all 12, 000 of you I would! I hope that you do keep coming back to see what Lovelychubly has in store for you, and I promise I will get back to my regular posts soon enough. Hope you had a lovely new year and didn't get too drunk, you messy lot!
As always thank you for reading. All my social media links are over in the sidebar, and do feel free to share and comment and all those annoying little things I ask you to do all the time.
Goodnight, lovelies.
new year
new year resolutions
what to do in 2014
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