I am a huge Disney fan, quite possibly the biggest Disney fan. Yet I can't help thinking there is something the Disney family is missing.
No, I don't mean me...although I would argue that, too. Hint, hint.
I love the Disney princesses. I mean, just look at them.
Image: princessmovies.net
Their stories are all so different, and yet I feel they are mostly the same. I don't know why.
There are some things I really wish Disney would include in a Disney Princess, and some attributes that I really wish they would include from some of the others.
A tattooed Princess.
From my research on Disney World jobs, I am fully aware of how opposed to tattoos the Disney company is. I watched my Disney World job dream float around the river bend and into a whole new world when I found out. But why? In a society that is mostly acceptive of tattoos and body art, why is Disney so old fashioned? I could understand with some of their jobs (characters etc.) but oh my goodness. I think they should have a tattooed princess. I mean, how awesome would that be? *queue all the negative comments about how a tattooed person degrades themselves, such as the comments I get on twitter*.
Image: tattoo-kid.com
Another Princess who just doesn't give a damn.
I love Anna (Frozen) because she wakes up, hair a mess and drool down her face; yet the others wake up looking like they have had a catwalk make-up artist work on them during night, and have birds and animals make their beds.
Image: georgehaig.tumblr.com
A Princess whose waist isn't as small as my little finger.
Now queue all the comments about me being a fat pig, such as my "concepts of beauty" post! I want more Princesses like Merida (Brave) who isn't overly skinny and doesn't mind a diddy bit of mud. Yet it disappoints me that even when Disney makes a Princess who doesn't have a teeny waist, they edit her down for the promo photos. Please, Disney, stop with these teeny tiny waists that make me jealous. Give me a Princess who is rather partial to a McDonald's and loves munching on doughnuts.
Image: Disney/Pixar
More Maleficent.
Maleficent was a breath of fresh air in the Disney world, and it was an incredible film. I don't think I need to say much else, here. After all, a villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told, right?
Image: beingnormal-notcool.tumblr.com
More Princesses who do more than talk to animals and search for a Prince.
Let's have more Mulan, more Tiana, more Merida, and more Belle. I don't know about you, but I don't wake up every day and have a conversation with the birds chirping outside my window unless I am telling them to shut up. I also happen to do the cleaning myself without the help of some deer, rabbits or turtles! I mean, Mulan saved China, Tiana has her own business, Merida climbs cliffs, and Belle reads books. Why can't we have more of that sort of thing?
Image: d-i-s-n-e-y-magic-rp.tumblr.com
Another Princess who doesn't only wear dresses.
Don't get me wrong, I am partial to a nice girly dress, but they are so not practical and I tend to favour leggings. Jasmine (Aladdin) had the right idea, and she still looked good. I get that they might have been traditional to the time period they were dressed for, but jeez! Let's see some more modern dressed Princesses!
Image: wikipedia
I volunteer to play the next awesome Disney Princess, or at least help create her! So, Disney...call me!
What traits would you like a Disney Princess to have?
Would you like to see some changes to Disney?
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